If your RoundPie desktop app stopped working this morning, you may wonder why. The version from the Mac App Store has the same issue. You try to log in, and you see

Login failed try again...

Login failed try again...

It worked fine until now, nothing has changed on your computer. And strange enough, you can log in to the RoundPie web app in Firefox without a problem! All right, you are almost sorted, no more need to troubleshoot or reinstall the app, no reason to delete it, or your settings in ~/Library/Application Support/RoundPieApp.

RoundPie is perfectly fine, the system needs a quick help

Of course, I always recommend updating your operating system and device with at least, the latest security updates. But sometimes the hardware is more than 5 or 6 years old, still in great condition, performing well for your needs. And it may not support the latest version of the system.

And it may not support the latest version of the system

The problem is caused by a root certificate that expired on 30 September 2021. Like Scott Helme detailed in his blog, This will not be the first time a root CA certificate has expired, and I imagine it will follow the same trend as previous expirations where things break. If the root certificate that your certificate chain anchors on is expired, then there's a good chance it's going to cause things to fail.” Even Let’s Encrypt cannot do anything about it. Let’s Encrypt is the organization that provides millions of security certificates for free, to allow us to run websites and applications under HTTPS.

Let’s Encrypt is the organization that provides millions of security certificates, for free, to allow us to run websites and applications under HTTPS

Who is affected

Some iPhones would have the issue with iOS 9 or older. Potentially, the platforms that did not receive a certificate that would replace the expired one.

and some and known incompatible - Android < v2.3.6 - Windows XP prior to SP3

Let’s Encrypt has the full list here https://letsencrypt.org/docs/certificate-compatibility/

How to fix it

You may find a few solutions and quick fixes on the web. In my opinion, the safest one is to add the new valid certificate in Mac OS:

That’s it!

Now re-open your RoundPie app, and you should log in again without any issue. Well, at least until June 2035, when this root certificate expired!

Thank you, Alex, with the RoundPie App team, for your help troubleshooting this issue. And for the suggestion to create a blog post to help other users.

Please read my blog post, with a more general angle about this expired Root certificate.

About the author:

Hervé Boinnard Hervé Boinnard is an entrepreneur, a website builder, and integrator, web designer, and developer with his business Puma-IT. He specializes in eCommerce Solutions and Multilingual Websites with Joomla. Passionate about Free/Libre Open Source Software and community, he created a lot of bilingual websites, and some only with the Irish language. He maintains the Irish language pack for Joomla and contributes as a volunteer to this project since 2009.

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