Time Tracking Using a Countdown Timer - Why It's The Best Productivity Hack You Never Heard Of

Tue Oct 4, 2022

It’s been proven time and time again that tracking time has a positive effect on our productivity. After all, by tracking our time, we know where we dedicate our time and whether that time was spent on something useful or loitering around and watching Netflix.

Productivity Use Cases: Miss Smedema Talks on How To Beat Bipolar And Boost Productivity

Fri Nov 6, 2020

I have bipolar type 2, which means my mood swings between depression and hypomania. When I'm hypomanic, it’s hard to focus on anything. RoundPie helps me stay on task. “Okay, you're gonna do this for 15 minutes and then you can take a break and be distracted. Then you're going to focus for 15 minutes again.”